Now two Radio Shows on WRUW, 91,1 AMI! Live broadcasts: call for requests, 368-2208. Listen Thursdays 6-7 p... and Sundays 12-1 p.m.

FEMINIST MUSIC SUPPORT GROUP. Meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at 8:00 p.m. Call 791-3524 for information. All interested women are welcome.

The Feminist Theatre Collective of Cleveland is seeking new members. Any woman interested in writing, directing, acting, designing, or managing with women performing feminist theatre should come to WomenSpace, 1258 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, on Tuesday, July 12, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. The Collective has already performed at the Three of Cups and WomenSpace -members operate in a collective situation to determine productions, responsibilities, and direction. No prior experience in theatre or drama is necessary -just a desire and time commitment to participate in productions with & for women from a feminist perspective Women only

Reproductive Freedom Coalition sponsor Cuyahoga County Fair Temt. A newly formed coalition of pro-cholce groups will have an Information display at the Berea Fairgrounds onAugust 14-21. Entertainment will be used to draw Interest in the literature and films about abortion rights and family planning. If you will provide entertainment or volunteer in the tent, call Del Jones (777-0657, a.m.), or Dorothy Boroush (581-2093). The newly formed Reproductive Freedom Coalllion has representatives from Cleveland Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), N.O.W., Planned Parenthood and Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR) whch includes Catholics for Free Choice. The purpose is for coordination of member groups for public education and announcements and joint action. Any group which wishes to participate is Invited to send a representative to the next meeting

Reproductive Freedom Coalition, Wednesday, July 13, 4:30 p.m.. Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 88th & Euclid. Call Carol Wall (721-4700) for more information.

Women's Health Care Advocacy. A women's speak-out on health with a focus on OB-GYN is being planned for fall in order to gather information about women's experiences with the medical system, a survey is boing prepared for use with any groups of women gathering for any reason If you are willing to assist by using the survey, please call Del Jones (777-0657) or Mary Jo Ginty (281-0600)

Women's Health Care Advocacy Group is moeting for flual design and pro-testing of the survey on Wednesday, July 13, at 7:30 at flape Crisis Center, YWCA, 3201 Euclid New mornbers welcome!

The Cleveland Chicago Connection Continues. On May 29th, 25 Cleveland area wornen artists met at the Hallinan enter as a reaction to the Judy Chicago workshop of April 24. Each woman introduce herself and her concerns as a woman artist Strong feelings-centered around discrimination toward women's art, lack of options in lifestyles and marketing artwork, the need for critical support systems, and financial and educational resources It was decided to offer the following groups to begin bullding a women's art community in Cleveland Working Women Support Group, Full Time Artist Support Group; Female Imagery Support Group; A Day of Working Together: Research Group Communications-Network Group; Outreach Group; Leadership Discussion Group; Art Show Group; Skills and Apprenticeships; and Artists Assertive Awareness Group.

For further information call Arlene Dadley, 283-8831, after 5:00 p.m.

A Show of Men, by Women, which will explore, as the title implies, the manner in which men are viewed by women photographers, will be held by Herbert Ascherman's Photographic Gallery, 1785 Coventry Road, in August. Submissions will be accepted July 11-12 during gallery hours and judged July 15,

To our knowledge there has never been a show on this theme in Northern Ohio. The shop is open to women photographers, either professional or amateur. We are looking for photographic vision and sensitivity; for the photograph that has never been made before, and for the accompanying emotional content.

Depending on the response to, and diversity of, the show, arrangements are being made for publication of the show and for loan to interested parties. Purchase awards will be made by the gallery.

For further Information, contact the Herbert Ascherman Gallery,

| Self-Discovery through Art: A chance for women to use simple art materials as a new way to get to know themselves and share with each other. The facilitators will focus on themes appropriate to our lives as women. Southland YWCA, Wed for 4 wic beginning July 13, 7-4:20pm. 13189 Smith Rd., Middleburg Hts. 90 for includes supplies. Call 842-4242 to register.

WANTED: Contact with women of consciousness in their 40's and 50's, PURPOSE: Creation of a support group which will engage in real dialogue, Contact: Florence Armen (932-2433), Shirley Berner (752-0518 leave message on tape), or Shirley Sapin.

Sagaris, Inc. is an independent, multiracial Institute for the study of feminist politica. Sagaris provides the opportunity for feminist activists and theorists to sharpen our organizing skills with an understanding of the constant connection between theory and practice. Sagaris is a place for feminist theorists and activists to exchange Ideas -laying the groundwork for a broad-based feminist network. This summer there will be lour two-week sessions focusing on a current feminist Issue:

July 10 July 23 July 24 Aug. 6

Group Processes and the Dynamics of Organizing Women and Economics: Future Visions and Everyday Realities

Aug. 7Aug, 20 Art and Politics

For applications, Information and donations, send to Sagaris, Inc.

P.0.Box 484

E. Setauket, New York 11733

or call (212) 749-5145

The Feminist Studies Program, al Goddard Cambridge, a fully accredited one-year M.A. program of Goddard College, is now accepting applications for 1977-1978. Woman choose topics from a variety offered in the catalog. The selection for 1977-1978 includes: Feminist Counseling; Feminist Film; Feminist Theatre; Feminist Theory; Feminist Writing Workshop; Education, Social Services and Society A Feminist Perspective; History of Lesbians in the U.S.; Politics of Childcare; Womanswriting; Women and Aging; Women and Literature. Tuition is $2,500 and there is limited financial aid available. For further information, writo: Feminist Studies, Goddard-Cambridge Graduate Program In Social Change, 188 Hampshire St., Cambridge, Mass. 02139, or call (617) 492-0700.


There are HUNGRY CHILDREN In the Wonderful World of Ohio: Presently a family of four on ADC recleves $3048/yr or $254/mo This figure is 59% of what the State of Ohio has established as the minimun standard for health and decency. 100% standard would be $431/mo for a family of four in 1976, the average number of ADC recipients per month in Cuyahoga County was 123,130 81,200 were children, an estimated 14% of all children in the county..

In the face of escalating rent food, clothing and energy costs, the present level of ADC payments is extremely Inadequate. Children In Ohio would have a better chance of surviving and breaking out of the poverty cycle if the minimal incorre needed for a healthy and decent life were provided.

Write your State Senator today asking them to raise ADC grant levels In the budget to 100% in this years budget proceedings. Write the Slate House, Columbus, Ohio, 43215.

The Second MichiganWomen's Music Festival will be held August 25-28, 1977. There will be camping, concerts, food and workshops (not limited to music-related Interests). For further Information, contact the WWTMC. 1501 Lyons Street, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858, or call (517) 772-0582 Women Voters has updated its ERA Iftarsture. A new comprehensive booklet has been published answering many questions about the ERA I also includes a bibliography. Anyone Interested in oblaining this factual booklet can mall $1.50 to. League of Women Voters of the United States, 1730 M Street, Washington, D.C. 20036, and ask for "In Pursull of Equal Rights."

Feminist Publications Distribution Group: Distributing material to bookstores has always been a problem for small radical, feminist and alternative publications. We are trying to form a group that would handle bookstore publicity and distribution for publishers It would begin operation in late August, delivering a broad range of books and magazines to stores in the U.S. We'd like to hear from Individuals and publishers who have experience in this area Info from Carrier Pigeon, c/o Vocations for Soolal Change, 353 Broadway, Cambridge, 02139. Counseling Girls and Women: course available at John Carroll University taught by Carol lorillo, counselor for the Choices for Women program at JCU, and Alice Fredman, counselor al Project Eve, CCC Class will meet on Mon, Wed, Thur from 8:30 to 9pm for 3 wk starting July 25, and on Sat, Aug 6th and 13th from 9am to 5pm

Topics to be covered are special needs and problems to be considered In counseling women, how counselor attitudes and materials may limit options for females, how the vocational development of males and females differ, specialized forms of counseling such as rape, wife-abuse, and unplanned pregnancy.

The course is open to women currently working in agencies dealing with women's problems. Info: Carel forlilo at 491-4341.

Malden Rock, a women's learning instituta developed by a group of Minne sota feminists, will hold its second annual summer sassion on its Wisconsin farm The summer program will include one to live work sessions and wookand workshops (July 18 August 19) Women attending these pro grams may want to arrange for independent study edits through hor Institutions

Because we bellove that significant learning proceeds from the inside nut, we will explore self-identity and our fernale heritage through non hier archical and personalized learning Emphasis will be on teaching ourselves new skills and upon rediscovering unrecognized woman ability Topics of focus and study will include collective theory and practice feminism com pared to other 20th century political and social movements myths and rituals, communications and wornan's language oral history art history Activities will include athletics. Journal keeping gardening construction skills, personal growth groups

For more Information write or call Maiden Rock Women & Learning Institute, Box 8587, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 (617) 822 2241

Two Feminist Women, Andra Dale and Marilyn Applegate, are traveling across the country for one year on motorcycles they are interested in experiencing women's living and busines collectives, rural and urban If you are involved in a living or busines collective or know of any that would welcome them, call (714) 892-8080, or write 7232 Penn Way. Stanton, California 90680.

WomenSpace Scheduling Committee Calendar

WomenSpees, Oven, and What She Wants have agreed to co-operatively pool information about women's events, meetings, and cultural programs In an effort to avoid conflicts in scheduling and over-booking in a particular time period. If more co-ordination of our schedules takes place, each of our organizations will have the attention and attendance that we want and need-it is a matter of survival for us all. We also hope that the existence of the calendar will encourage women's groups to plan ahead. Every women's group which belongs to Womenspace and others that have related to women's groups in Cleveland have been informed that they must call in their announcements to WomenSpace (201-8850)in order to have their event appear in the listing.

July 8-Sip & Flip, 5-7 p.m.

July 12 Feminist Theater Collective Open Meeting, 7:30 p.m., WomenSpace, 1258 Euclid, 291-1061 or 932-5713.

July 13 Lakewood N.O.W., 15425 Detroit, info: 228-1508.

-Reproductive Freedom Coalition, 4:30 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal Church, E. 88th and Euclid, 721-4700,

-Women's Health Care Advocacy Group meeting, 7:30 p.m., at Rape Crisis Center, 3201 Euclid, Info: 777-9857.

Self Discovery, Southland YWCA, 7-9-30, $900 for series of four, info: 842-4242.

WSW Editorial meeting, 7:30 p.m.

19 Women and the Media, 8:00, WomenSpace, Info: Jan-896-3100 July 20 Creative Movement Workshop and Self Discovery Workshop. both Southland YWCA, 7-9:30p.m.

July 20 Cleveland Women Working, Bake Sale, All Nations Festival, Hanna Mall, info: 432-3875.

July 27 Self-Discovery, Southland YWCA, 7-9.30 p.m

CWW Bake Sale, Seo 7/28.

Sip & Flip, Special session.

y 28 CW Bake Sale, See 7/26.

July 28 CW

Bake Sale. See 7/26

August 6 Hearing on Domestic Violence, WomenSpace, 1258 Euclid Info: Jane Campbell, 806-3100.

18 Lakewood N.O.W., 15425 Detroit, 7.30 p.m., 228-1508.

1 28 Suffrage granted.

127 H.O.W, Walk-A-Thon for the ERA. Watch for details

131 Sip & Flip, WomenSpace, 1258 Euclid

WomenSpass Annual Meeting Third week in September Exact time to be announced info: 808-3100.


July, 1977/What She W>